EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. — Brig. Gen. Scott Cain, the 96th Test Wing commander, directs Health Protection Condition Bravo effective today to combat the increasing spread of COVID-19 across our local communities.
The increased health protection level aims to continue COVID-19 prevention efforts to protect Team Eglin’s people, resources and to preserve mission capability.
The directed-change, due to substantial or high community transmission, also brings back mandatory mask wear for all individuals regardless of vaccination status in an indoor setting on the installation.
This status returns the base to an Official Business Only posture. Official business includes performing official duties (mission essential and non-mission essential tasks) as well as certain other activities by personnel with base access.
In particular, personnel with base access, including DoD civilian employees, retirees, and their dependents are permitted to enter Eglin AFB in order to:
- Seek medical care or visit the pharmacy
- Shop at the Commissary, Base Exchange, or Shoppette
- Receive childcare services
- Attend religious services
- Contact military law enforcement
- Conduct banking transactions
- Use recreation facilities
- Provide essential services or supplies (e.g., delivering food, consumer products, etc.)
Maximum use of telework to reduce the footprint here is highly encouraged. Meetings and other events should be conducted virtually to the maximum extent possible. All Team Eglin members should consult with their commander, director or supervisor for specific mission-essential clarification.
All Eglin AFB personnel will continue to exercise diligence in personal hygiene and public health risk mitigation measures. These measures include:
- Strict hygiene.
- Regular cleaning of workplace common areas.
- Gatherings are limited to 250 persons.
- Indoor gatherings are limited to the maximum capacity of a space while providing six feet of physical distancing.
- Wear masks IAW current DoD/96th Test Wing guidance. When a government vehicle has more than one occupant, all personnel must wear a face mask regardless of their vaccination status.
- Physical distancing – maintaining at least a six-foot distance between individuals.
- Stay at home when experiencing symptoms or illness, notify your supervision, and contact your primary care manager.
“Continued vigilance in combatting the rapid spread of this virus and its variants is essential,” said Cain. “Please continue to do your best to keep Eglin a place where the virus doesn’t spread.”
For more information, visit the Eglin website and the Eglin AFB Facebook page for the latest updates on hours of operation and closures