The Niceville Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for the inaugural group of inductees to be presented into the Niceville Valparaiso Civic Hall of Fame. The purpose of the Hall is to honor and recognize those who have made broad and lasting contributions for the betterment of the Niceville Valparaiso community.
The mission of the Hall of Fame is to recognize Civil Leaders and portraying them as role models to stimulate an interest in and an appreciation for the value of history and encourage community service on the part of others.
Nominations will be judged on the impact and influence the nominee has on the development and/or quality of life in the Niceville Valparaiso community and leadership roles in local/state/nation organizations, civic, educational, religious and/or service organizations including offices held and special recognition and honors (civilian or military) received.
The nomination deadline is June 10th. Complete nomination guidelines and nomination forms can be obtained by calling or emailing the Niceville Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce at 850.678.2323 or [email protected].