FLORIDA – Florida’s Annual Gopher Day is April 10. Individuals and organizations can support gopher tortoise conservation by contacting their local government and asking them to adopt a resolution proclaiming April 10 as Gopher Tortoise Day.
Help raise awareness about the role gopher tortoises play in Florida ecosystems and show your support for this threatened keystone species.
For a sample resolution that can be easily modified to fit the needs of your local government please visit: https://gophertortoisedayfl.com/resolution/.
Local governments are not the only entity that can adopt a resolution. Zoos, businesses, nature centers, schools, universities, and others are all invited to adopt a resolution that recognizes April 10 as Gopher Tortoise Day.

Please send a copy of your adopted resolution to [email protected]. Your resolution will be featured on the Gopher Tortoise Day website along with resolutions adopted in previous years.
Adopting a resolution is not the only way to spread awareness on Gopher Tortoise Day. Get involved by hosting a safe, in-person or online Gopher Tortoise Day event in your area.
Be sure to share your event on social media, create a press release and notify us at Niceville.com.
For examples of social media posts and press releases please visit: https://gophertortoisedayfl.com/media/.
Don’t forget to use #GopherTortoiseDay when posting on social media.
Let’s all work together to make this year’s Gopher Tortoise Day the best one yet!
For more information about adopting a resolution or anything related to Gopher Tortoise Day, contact the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Gopher Tortoise Education and Outreach Coordinator at [email protected].