Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Martha Miller, Synovus. She assisted 2018 Chairman of the Board, Gordon King, Okaloosa Gas, in recognizing several area businesses and individuals for their contributions to the Chamber and the community in 2018.
The Niceville Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce recently held its Annual Awards Celebration and Officer Installation Dinner on the Center Stage at the Mattie Kelly Arts Center, located on the Northwest Florida State College, Niceville Campus with a Broadway on the Bayou theme.
Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Martha Miller, Synovus. She assisted 2018 Chairman of the Board, Gordon King, Okaloosa Gas, in recognizing several area businesses and individuals for their contributions to the Chamber and the community in 2018. She then facilitated the customary “Passing of the Gavel” as nine Past Chairmen of the Board passed the ceremonial gavel to 2019 Chairman of the Board, Mike Guidry, Reliance, Test & Technology, Inc.
At the time of his unexpected passing, Rev. Dennis Brown, First Baptist Church of Niceville, was a member of the Niceville Valparaiso Chamber Board of Directors. In honor of his memory and his vast contributions to our community, the annual Rev. Dennis Brown Servant Leadership Award has been established. His wife, Leah Brown, and daughter, Monica, assisted in presenting the award to the first recipient, Dr. Mike Mosley, Rocky Bayou Christian School.
Annual Award Recipients
Business of the Year: Reliance, Test & Technology, Inc.
Community Enrichment: City of Niceville Senior Center
Rev. Dennis Brown Servant Leadership Award: Dr. Mike Mosley, Rocky Bayou Christian School
You Rock!: Mandy Campbell, Ferrin Campbell Construction LLC
Young Professional of the Year: Heather McCombs, Spacebox Storage

Volunteer of the Year: Linda Dwyer, Bay Area Awards & Engraving Inc.
Chairman’s Award: Tracy Wood, NextHome Cornerstone Realty
2019 Officers
Chairman of the Board – Mike Guidry, Reliance Test & Technology, LLC
Chairman Elect – Teresa Halverson, The Manor at Blue Water Bay
Past Chairman of the Board – Gordon King, Okaloosa Gas District
Treasurer – Garrett Floyd, Niceville Insurance Agency
Vice Chairman of Special Events – Tracy Wood, NextHome Cornerstone Realty
Vice Chairman of Membership Development – Dr. Devin Stephenson, Northwest Florida State College
Vice Chairman of Community Development – Bob Marinan
Board Members at Large
Rev. Rurel Ausley, Crosspoint
Mandy Campbell, Ferrin Campbell Construction, LLC
Linda Dwyer, BayArea Awards & Engraving, Inc.
Debbie Elliott, Synovus
Jean Ann Encardes, Waste Management of the Gulf Coast
Sarah Hinely, LJ Schooners Restaurant at BWB Marina
Tyler Jackson, CHELCO
Casey Laflin, PNB Community Bank
Bernard Johnson, Gulf Power Company
Sal Nodjomian, Matrix Design Group, Inc.
Tim Parsons, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Scott Thompson, Electronic Warfare Associates, Inc.
Brian Walsh, Coastal Brick & Stone, LLC & Key Lime Construction, LLC.
Life Directors
Dave Morrow, The Ryland/Morrow Allstate Agency
Dr. David Goetsch