Animal shelter photography techniques work equally well for the pet owner. This is because the pet owner already has a rapport with their pet(s), while the shelter photographer is a complete stranger to an animal. A shelter photographer works in a noisy environment with scared, shy, anxious subjects that are constantly distracted and may be aggressive. So techniques that work in a shelter environment should work as well or even better at home.
Whether you are trying to snap some pictures of your own animals or helping out your local shelter, these tips will assist you capture just the right shot. Join Stan Zalace, local animal shelter photographer, as he shares tips on pet photography. This free program will be held at the Niceville Library on Thursday, October 22 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 pm.
Seating is limited so please call the Library at 279-4863 ext. 1504 or email [email protected] to reserve a seat.
A small donation of dog food for the Niceville New Beginnings Animal Shelter, especially puppy food, would be appreciated.