The young professional’s group, sponsored by the Niceville Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce, is building a new fire pit and seating, and making other needed improvements, at the nearly 100-year-old 4-H camp east of Niceville.
Members of the Niceville Young Professionals are engaged in a project to improve and repair facilities at Camp Timpoochee and is seeking donations from local businesses, organizations, and individuals to help cover the estimated $5,000 cost.
The young professional’s group, sponsored by the Niceville Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce, is building a new fire pit and seating, and making other needed improvements, at the nearly 100-year-old 4-H camp east of Niceville.
Established in 1926, the 14-acre Camp Timpoochee is Florida’s first 4-H camp and the country’s second oldest.
The NYP group is seeking donations of $25, $50, $100 or more. Businesses and individuals who contribute $500 or more will be recognized at the ribbon cutting ceremony and on a seating plaque. Those who give $1,000 or more will receive recognition and name on the dedication plaque.
Call 678-2323 for more information or to make a tax-deductible contribution, or visit to donate online.
NYP is an emerging group of young professionals committed to making measurable and significant impacts in both their personal and professional lives, as well as in the Niceville and Valparaiso communities.