NICEVILLE, Fla — Zombie Mombie Saves the Day, an ode to military deployments, has been released by local Niceville author, mom, and military wife Kelly Lucero.
An educational consultant, Lucero has used her background in literacy to engineer a book to assist in bridging the early literacy gap. So, moms, dads, and teachers can pull double duty and help educate their children while also entertaining them.
Sleep-deprived Zombie Mombie, who feeds on caffeine, is ready to greet the day with her supermom juggling skills. However, a sick zombie baby, loads of homework to coach, and endless chores fill her day. Zombie Mombie has little time for herself. Can she survive on cuddles, giggles, and sticky kisses or will the day cascade into utter chaos?
Zombie Mombie Saves the Day was written with rhythm and rhyme to key young readers and strengthen their literacy skills.
Lucero is an education consultant specializing in technology and reading instruction, and a mom to three students attending Okaloosa County schools.
With all of her experience, Lucero knows what it means to be a Zombie Mombie.