HURLBURT FIELD, Fla — The 705th Training Squadron’s Lessons Learned team has been named co-winner of the Air Force 2019 General George C. Kenney Award for demonstrating outstanding innovative performance.
The award recognizes the year’s most notable lessons learned (LL) contribution to the AF mission. This award is open to teams comprised of Air Force Active Duty, Reserve, Guard, government civilian and contractors (contractors as part of an AF team submission).

Selections are made from AF functional and cross-functional teams outside of the LL community whose vision and leadership through the use of the LL process have had a significant impact on mission improvement.
The 705 TRS’ LL team members are:
- Mr. Charles Charamut
- Maj. Mayo Coiner
- Mr. Ken Crain
- Maj. Jesse Frazier
- Mr. David Hetzler
- Mr. Eric Sheldon
- Mr. Michael Steinkraus