SHALIMAR, Fla. — Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Deputy Eric Swain has been named the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO) 2021 Deputy of the Year.
After being hired in 2016, Swain began working patrol and instantly became “that deputy” on shift, a solid officer, and a significant resource for supervisors and teammates.
He has proven himself essential for helping promote squad cohesion and professional relationships, according to a press release from the OCSO.
Swain is well known as a quality field training officer. He remains highly motivated and has excellent interpersonal skills, common sense, professional aptitude, and genuine humility.
Among all, he has the power of a positive attitude when it comes to getting things accomplished.
Swain recently achieved a well-deserved promotion to investigator in late December 2021.

In 2021, Deputy (Investigator) Swain trained a total of 10 newly hired deputies, providing over 1,680 total training hours. His total duty time was over 1,830 hours.
Further, he consistently mentored shift mates, yet still found time to handle his own casework. He arrested 41 law violators and generated 88 offense reports outlining his investigations.
All that’s in addition to the trainees receiving credit for cases under his influence or helping others.
In 2021, Swain was voted on by his shift mates and supervisors for his nomination.
Supervisors noted his constant proactive attitude, knowledge, and “willingness to put the shift first.”
Others commented on how he is “highly respected and sought-out by his peers and supervisors alike.”
Another called him a gentle giant –someone you want at scenes with you as backup and, at the same time, someone who wants to help you with cases and help victims – any and every time.”
Here is just one example of his countless cases of solid work: Swain responded to a business burglary, canvassing the area for video. He located footage and identified a suspect. He then located and interviewed the man, obtaining a confession. The suspect admitted he had committed several burglaries to the business.