This tiny insect prefers St. Augustinegrass and rarely bothers our other lawn…
Stay informed with the latest gardening news and tips in Niceville and Northwest Florida, including expert advice, local events, and sustainable practices.
Although lawns can suffer some damage in spring, it’s better to mark…
Spring Plant Sale is April 22; Native Plant Trail Tour, April 19…
Topdressing your lawn can cause more damage than good. The year’s first…
Lawn Care in Northwest Florida, April 4; Spring Festival of Flowers, April…
Q. My lawn is 15 months old. I was told that it…
Choosing a fertilizer with the right numbers is one of the most…
Willie Chance, Extension Vegetable Crops Specialist in Georgia, describes common tomato problems…
A common mistake, which results in the tree producing an abundance of…
Extension horticulture agent Larry Williams answers questions about Florida lawn insecticides and herbicides,…
The 2017 Home Show will be held Feb. 25-26. It will include…
Many of the roses grown in Florida require regular maintenance. Part of…
Japanese or Saucer Magnolias, Magnolia × soulangiana, are known for their display…
Q. I have large oleanders that need to be pruned. When should…
Northwest Florida winters can be a rollercoaster ride of temperatures. One week…
Q. During late fall I put down some centipedegrass sod. Will it…
Lawn burweed is a winter annual weed that becomes problematic in spring in…
Happy New Year! January may seem like a downtime in the landscape…
Despite the fact that mistletoe remains a popular Christmas decoration with its…
The University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension…