There is no need to add any soil amendments in the individual…
Stay informed with the latest gardening news and tips in Niceville and Northwest Florida, including expert advice, local events, and sustainable practices.
More than likely, you’ve noticed the vivid color displayed by blooming camellias…
During winter, it’s best to keep the soil under and around citrus…
Stinkhorns belong to an order of fungi that include puffballs, earthstars and…
Citrus leafminers do not kill the tree but can cause unsightly damage.…
Slower decomposing materials such as sawdust or other wood products will last…
The main factor this year that resulted in many citrus fruits in…
River birch is another tree with unusual papery peeling bark. The cultivar…
Some people automatically rule out hollies because they think of plants with…
A short list of large maturing, storm-resistant trees to consider includes live…
Many materials can be used to produce compost. Grass clippings, leaves, egg…
When you plant in the fall, do almost everything exactly as you…
Where fire ants create no threat in out-of-the-way areas on your property,…
We’ve been blessed with nice weather following the storm to do our…
In evaluating a landscape, you may decide to do away with high…
If your lawn has had a history of winter annual weeds such…
Soil should be filled around root area once tree is staked into…
Many gardeners fail with strawberries in North Florida by waiting to plant…
We are competing against other peanut producing counties in the Panhandle for…
Soil pH is important for plants. It influences availability of fertilizer and…