Most people seem to be aware of the black widow spider but…
Stay informed with the latest gardening news and tips in Niceville and Northwest Florida, including expert advice, local events, and sustainable practices.
Sycamore trees are large maturing trees and perform best when they have…
Mole crickets can be active in lawns spring through fall. But the…
When it comes to a lawn grass being shade tolerant, tolerant is…
Margaret will share small-space vegetable gardening techniques such as succession planting and…
If you find that you’ve collected an average of ¼ inch of…
During dry weather, it’s important to implement the following water management practices…
Many of the plants available for purchase at the plant sale will…
A good rule of thumb is to not fertilize until the new…
Chaste tree is an outstanding small summer flowering tree for accenting sunny…
Most lawns have countless numbers of winter annual seeds awaiting the cooler…
Unfortunately, Entomosporium leaf spot fungus and Indian hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis species and hybrids)…
Okaloosa County Master Gardener Karen Kirk-Williams will offer a free lecture on…
Mulch or a shade tolerate groundcover may be a better choice in…
Azalea lace bugs spend winter as eggs on the underside of azalea…
The tubers make Florida betony tough to control. Even when above-ground foliage…
We are now moving into the time to begin planting the warm-season…
If you are interested in learning how to be more successful in…
There are basically two times per year to apply a preemergence herbicide…
Timing of a preemergence herbicide application for summer annual weeds such as…