Exobasidium vaccinii causes leaves and flowers to become swollen or thickened, curled,…
Tomatoes are heat-loving plants that need a long warm growing period to…
Question advertisements for grass seed mixtures that grow from “Alaska to Florida.”…
There’s a couple of basic ways to go about pruning azaleas. You…
Routinely applying a layer of soil or sand to a lawn (topdressing)…
The first step in correctly managing a Florida lawn is to know…
We can take advantage of the fact that there’s only one generation…
If you can tolerate the plants that now look like an eyesore…
Timing of a preemergence herbicide application for summer annual weeds such as…
February is a good time to transplant or move trees and shrubs…
Cold injured citrus trees can take a while to become evident. What…
Bare root tree seedlings including Dahoon Holly, Shumard Oak, Pecan, River Birch,…
Citrus is very sensitive to freezing temperatures but don’t give up too…
Tree leaves make good mulch. They can be placed on the soil…
Here in North Florida poinsettias may be frozen to the ground before…
There are pros and cons for overseeding. Overseeding a lawn with ryegrass…
The reason your hollies never produce berries may be because you have…
Tulips are treated as annuals in Florida. We have two problems with…
The reality of what happens deep down in the darkness of a…
If you’ve had a history of winter annual weeds in your lawn,…