NICEVILLE, Fla. – A Casino Games Night to benefit A Bed 4 Me Foundation is Saturday, June 26, at LJ Schooners Dockside Restaurant & Oyster Bar at the Bluewater Bay Marina Complex.
The games at the 2nd Annual Casino Night begin at 6 p.m. and end at 9 p.m. Awards and recognition follow prior to 10 p.m.
Players buy in to play casino games such as Blackjack at a cost of $10. Each buy-in gives a player 15 minutes of playtime and $2,500 in non-value chips.
The five players with the highest-ranking chips count win prizes.
A Bed 4 Me Foundation is a local nonprofit organization providing beds for children who would otherwise be sleeping on the floor or inadequate spaces. A Bed 4 Me Foundation serves children ages 2-18 from low to middle-income families within the Okaloosa County area.
If you are interested in donating a prize for the event, email [email protected].
Visit to see rules and more information or call 850-897-2821.
LJ Schooners is located at 290 Yacht Club Drive.