NICEVILLE, Fla. — The Okaloosa Arts Alliance invites the community to its 2022 Winter Arts Social in Niceville on Sunday, February 27.
Join friends and art supporters for live entertainment, refreshments, and fellowship to benefit programs of the Okaloosa Arts Alliance from 2 p.m to 4 p.m. at the Mattie Kelly Arts Center Galleries at Northwest Florida State College.
The afternoon will feature special drawings for tickets to local performances and events.
Individual tickets are $20 or two for $35.
Reservations can be made online at or by contacting Amy at [email protected] or 850-499-8335.
The Okaloosa Arts Alliance (OAA) is a non-profit 501(c)3 local arts agency that strengthens Okaloosa County by supporting the arts through advocacy, education, and marketing.
The OAA is supported in part by the Florida Department of State Division of Arts & Culture and from Florida Arts auto license tag revenues but could not exist without its members and community support.
For more information go to
Northwest Florida State College is located at 100 E College Blvd, Niceville, FL 32578.