Taking part in Color the Coast Unity Day is easy: simply wear orange to work, school, practice—everywhere you go on Oct. 25! Wear an orange shirt, orange nail polish, orange hair extensions, hats, ties, shoes, shoelaces, wristbands, hair bows, etc.
Niceville.com Community Partner
A local website is encouraging the community to wear orange on October 25 to show support for bully-free schools. The online family resource guide, www.EmeraldCoastKids.org, is heading Emerald Coast Kid’s 3rd Annual Color the Coast Unity Day 2017 in conjunction with Pacer.org’s yearly international anti-bullying movement, Unity Day. Schools, families, businesses, and the entire community can participate simply by wearing orange. Schools throughout Okaloosa, Walton and Bay counties have pledged to participate, said Kellyanne Bartleson, publisher of EmeraldCoastKids.org.
In 2015, Ms. Bartleson requested and received a proclamation from Florida Governor Scott declaring October as National Bullying Prevention Month when students, schools, and communities come together to raise awareness against bullying. “I am passionate about this cause, having been personally bullied myself in elementary and middle school,” said Ms. Bartleson. “I have no doubt that together, we can learn to accept each other and come together against bullying.”
Taking part is easy: simply wear orange to work, school, practice—everywhere you go on Oct. 25! Wear an orange shirt, orange nail polish, orange hair extensions, hats, ties, shoes, shoelaces, wristbands, hair bows, etc.
Niceville.com Community Partner
Niceville.com Community Partner
Families are encouraged to tie an orange ribbon around their mailbox or decorate their front door. Businesses are encouraged to offer discounts to customers who come in wearing orange on Oct 25 and/or put orange items on sale.
About EmeraldCoastKids.org: Created in late 2014, EmeraldCoastKids.org is a comprehensive, online family resource guide covering Okaloosa and Walton Counties.
About PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center: Founded in 2006, PACER provides resources and tools to address bullying in schools, the community and online. PACER recognizes bullying as a serious community issue that impacts education, physical and emotional health, and the safety and well-being of students. For more info, visit www.PACER.org/Bullying.