weed control

Wait to fertilize, but apply preemergence herbicide now in North Florida

FLORIDA -- If weeds were a major concern in your lawn last summer, the coming weeks are the time to…

1 year ago

Winter lawn “weeds,” a place for pollinators and Easter eggs

FLORIDA -- As a boy, I remember our St. Augustinegrass lawn. I fondly remember winter annual weeds in that lawn.…

2 years ago

February is time to control summer annual lawn weeds

NORTH FLORIDA -- Timing of preemergence herbicide applications to prevent warm-season lawn weeds such as crabgrass should be from mid-February…

2 years ago

Prevent winter weeds in October

FLORIDA -- During late February to mid-April, homeowners bring in bags of winter annual weeds from their lawns wanting advice…

2 years ago

Now is the time to apply preemergence herbicide in lawn

NORTH FLORIDA -- Based on the calendar and day temperatures the narrow window of opportunity to use preemergence herbicides in…

3 years ago

Lawn weed control timing can be confusing

NORTH FLORIDA -- I am not sure that most homeowners will ever understand the importance of timing in controlling lawn…

3 years ago

Control winter annual lawn weeds in October

If you’ve had a history of winter annual weeds in your lawn, the best option is to apply a preemergence…

7 years ago

Apply lawn pre-emergence herbicide this month in Northwest Florida

We are quickly approaching the window of opportunity to use a pre-emergence herbicide in lawns in Northwest Florida. But not…

9 years ago