vegetable garden

Answers to your vegetable pollination questions

FLORIDA -- Each spring, gardeners submit questions about the pollination of vegetable crops. Plant pollination is the transfer of pollen from…

2 years ago

Here’s how to grow Brussels sprouts in Florida

FLORIDA -- I tried growing Brussels sprouts a few years ago. To be honest, I wasn’t too happy with the…

2 years ago

Fall vegetables can be planted soon in north Florida

FLORIDA -- Despite the hot weather, it’s not too early to begin planning for fall vegetable gardening. Cool-season vegetables that…

3 years ago

Dealing with unwanted wildlife in your garden

Many gardeners enjoy inviting wildlife into their landscapes but occasionally some animals make a meal of your prized garden plants.…

5 years ago

Time to begin a fall vegetable garden and to attend plant clinic

Our hot temperatures may not indicate it, but it's time to begin a fall vegetable garden. Cool-season vegetables include many…

10 years ago

Things to do in your North Florida yard and garden in January

January may not seem like a busy month for gardening here in North Florida but there are a number of…

10 years ago