
Veterans Success Center at NWF State College serves veterans and their families

The Veterans Success Center, located in building 500 at the Niceville campus, offers a tranquil, professional and respectful location, including…

6 years ago

Martin new principal of STEMM Academy

Before serving as the Assistant Principal of Destin Elementary in 2014, Martin was a digital educator at Riverside Elementary in…

6 years ago

College Nursing Program ranked among Top 10 in state

The state of Florida has more than 154 associate of science in nursing programs of which ranked the top…

6 years ago

Support Education specialty license plate has new look

$20 from every Support Education specialty plate goes directly to the schools in Okaloosa County. The Okaloosa County School District…

6 years ago

Spacebox donates basketball goal to Edge Elementary

Facilitated by the Chamber of Commerce, Spacebox donated the funds for a basketball goal and various playground balls. Edge Elementary…

6 years ago

Kindergarten registration for 2019-2020 begins Feb. 19

Florida law provides that any child who will be five on or before September 1 is eligible for kindergarten that…

6 years ago

St. Joe Community Foundation funds high school oyster program

In addition to providing monthly instruction and in-class lessons to foster understanding of oyster ecology and estuarine habitat, CBA will…

6 years ago

Rocky Bayou Christian School to hold Gala

The evening will begin at 6 p.m. with a VIP reception in the Destin Room which includes a meet and…

6 years ago

RBCS waives fees for Tyndall families

Families choosing to apply and gain acceptance to Rocky’s Traditional, Special Service, Online Academy or Homeschool program will not pay…

6 years ago

UWF receives $3 million for STEM

The grant, which was awarded to the Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering, will provide funding for the University…

6 years ago

NWF State College radiography program earns national accreditation

The Northwest Florida State College Radiography program was evaluated on six standards: integrity, resources, curriculum and academic practices, health and…

6 years ago

Samsung contest challenges students to use STEM

In partnership with, Samsung will directly fund the first 3,500 teachers who apply Samsung has kicked off its 9th annual Samsung…

6 years ago

Science teacher wins grant for STEMM Academy

The STEMM Academy grant was used to purchase equipment, materials, and consumables such as water and soil testing kits and…

7 years ago

NHS students receive VHP Medal of Honor

The Veterans Heritage Project™ (VHP) connects students with veterans in their communities, offering students the opportunity to immerse in one-on-one…

7 years ago

NHS Class of 2019 parking lot art [PICTORIAL]

Students worked alone, together, and with their friends and families, to create their parking space murals. Incoming seniors at Niceville…

7 years ago

Back-to-School Carnival is July 21 in Niceville

The fun-filled event will feature carnival games, an inflatable slide, bounce house, character greeting, treats, raffles and more! A Back-to-School…

7 years ago

Golf tournament to benefit Niceville students, teachers

Proceeds will be presented to Edge and Plew Elementary School teachers at this year's National Night Out on August 7…

7 years ago

Twin Cities Woman’s Club of Niceville-Valparaiso invests in NWF students

“With the generous support that the Twin Cities Woman’s Club continuously provides to NWF State College students, we are able…

7 years ago

Edge students craft cards for hometown heroes [PICTORIAL]

Students at Edge Elementary School in Niceville were among several schools which participated in the local Holiday for Heroes drive. At Edge…

7 years ago

Niceville High ranked among top 50 high schools in Florida

Niceville High is ranked #42 in the state and #534 in the nation by US News & World Report magazine.…

8 years ago