prescription place

Prescription Place offers delivery to seniors, drive-thru service

The Prescription Place of Niceville has announced it is keeping open its drive-thru and offering free delivery to its elderly…

5 years ago

Prescription Place of Niceville introduces $4 generic drug discount plan

The Prescription Place, Niceville’s hometown pharmacy, now has nearly 200 of the most widely-used generic prescription medications available for just $4…

9 years ago

Health & Wellness: Stress less for strong hearts

February is American Heart Month and there are several strategies to improve heart health including diet, exercise and stress reduction.…

9 years ago

Health & Wellness: Get out and get moving!

As we begin the New Year, people often make resolutions to exercise and eat well. But do you know how…

9 years ago

The Prescription Place holds Grand Opening

The Prescription Place of Niceville celebrated its official Grand Opening on Tuesday with a reception and Ribbon Cutting by the…

9 years ago