
Why do people apply sand over their lawns?

Q. I see some folks putting a layer of lawn dressing (usually sand) on their lawns in the spring. What’s…

9 years ago

Apply lawn pre-emergence herbicide this month in Northwest Florida

We are quickly approaching the window of opportunity to use a pre-emergence herbicide in lawns in Northwest Florida. But not…

9 years ago

Florida Rattlesnake weed is a weed you can eat

Florida Betony (Stachys floridana), commonly called rattlesnake weed, is a Florida native plant. It’s thought to have been confined to…

9 years ago

Control winter lawn weeds early in Northwest Florida

Timing is critical when it comes to weed control. The mistake most homeowners make is to wait too late to…

9 years ago

Apply preemergence herbicide in early spring in North Florida

The coming weeks are the time to apply a preemergence herbicide to prevent summer annual weeds in your lawn. Timing…

11 years ago