
Want a better lawn? Calibrate your irrigation system!

NORTHWEST FLORIDA -- Calibrating or determining the rate of water your sprinkler system applies is an easy job. Here’s how…

3 years ago

Monitoring for common lawn insects

Mole crickets can be active in lawns spring through fall. But the best window of opportunity to control them is…

6 years ago

When to sod St. Augustinegrass

If you wait until late summer or fall, the gamble at that time is getting the sod established before cold…

7 years ago

Weedy wisteria and sanding a lawn

Routinely applying a layer of soil or sand to a lawn (topdressing) can cause more damage than good. Plus, it…

7 years ago

Lawn Growing Season seminar

The first step in correctly managing a Florida lawn is to know the type of grass you have; but many…

7 years ago

Home Show includes lawn, fruit and tomato seminars

On Sunday, February 25 at 11:30 a.m., UF/IFAS Extension Master Gardener Linda Timothy will provide a seminar titled Let’s Talk…

7 years ago

Time for lawn preemergence herbicide, if needed

Timing of a preemergence herbicide application for summer annual weeds such as crabgrass should be during mid-February to March 5…

7 years ago

Control winter annual lawn weeds in October

If you’ve had a history of winter annual weeds in your lawn, the best option is to apply a preemergence…

7 years ago

Should my lawn be aerated and dethatched?

Q. Under what circumstances does a lawn need to be aerated? When the best time to aerate and what is…

8 years ago

April’s plant clinic and should I put sand on my lawn?

Topdressing your lawn can cause more damage than good. The year’s first plant clinic will be held Friday, April 14…

8 years ago

Should my lawn be aerated?

Q. My lawn is 15 months old. I was told that it should be aerated. Under what circumstances and when…

8 years ago

Are you buying the right lawn fertilizer?

Choosing a fertilizer with the right numbers is one of the most important factors in selecting a fertilizer for a…

8 years ago

Avoid calendar approach to controlling lawn pests

Extension horticulture agent Larry Williams answers questions about Florida lawn insecticides and herbicides, earthworms, and when to prune oleander shrubs. Q.…

8 years ago

Water management during dry weather

So far our fall has been unusually dry with warmer temperatures. Even though our average annual rainfall is around sixty-two…

8 years ago

Winterizer fertilizer, not for Florida

Many people fertilize their lawn too late with too much nitrogen. They wrongly call this practice “winterizing.” The word "winterizer"…

8 years ago

Don’t blame pests for dry spots in your lawn

Every time we have a dry period in spring or summer, I get those predictable calls about some mysterious pest…

9 years ago

Common causes for lawn decline and July plant clinic

A Florida lawn can be frustrating. It is normal for a lawn to decline with time. When this happens, it…

9 years ago

Gardening in June may include a visit to the plant clinic

June offers hotter temperatures, humidity and possible thunderstorm activity. In addition, school is out and many people take time to…

9 years ago

Steps to solve plant problem may include visit to plant clinic

Diagnosing lawn, landscape and garden problems can be tricky. There are basic steps that can be useful in solving plant…

9 years ago

Lawn burweed control in Northwest Florida

Lawn burweed is a winter annual weed that becomes problematic in spring. It is a low-growing weed with leaves somewhat…

9 years ago