FLORIDA—Sometimes lawn grass declines. Maybe you picked the wrong lawn grass for the site. Maybe you are incorrectly managing the…
FLORIDA— Q. My lawn does not currently have an irrigation system and is somewhat shady due to trees. What is…
FLORIDA -- In a December 2023 article, I asked for feedback from readers of this column. As a result, I…
FLORIDA -- Lawns naturally go dormant as we move into the fall and early winter. In Florida, all of our…
FLORIDA -- It amazes me that even under flood conditions, people still water their lawns. I’m sure you’ve seen it,…
FLORIDA -- “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” This phrase offers sound advice for the…
FLORIDA -- Now that we are moving into warmer soil temperatures, weak areas in lawns will have a better chance…
FLORIDA -- When watering to establish a new lawn or replanting sections of an older lawn, we normally recommend two…
FORT WALTON BEACH, Fla. – An upcoming plant clinic in Fort Walton Beach is designed to provide answers to lawn,…
NICEVILLE, Fla. — Need your grass cut in Niceville? There’s now an app to connect homeowners with a lawn care…
FLORIDA -- Have you ever threatened to pave your lawn? Maybe the lawn grass is trying to tell you something.…
FLORIDA – You probably know the advantages of testing the soil in your yard or garden but may not have…
OKALOOSA COUNTY, Fla. -- If you are interested in learning more about pollinators that are important to wildlife on our…
NORTH FLORIDA -- Get ready for No Mow March! It's as simple as it sounds: During the month of March,…
FORT WALTON BEACH, Fla. -- What happened to the old Extension Office Annex on Hollywood Boulevard in Fort Walton Beach,…
QUESTION: I’m seeing small tan to brown moths in my lawn as I mow. Should I be concerned about this?…
FLORIDA -- Perhaps we spend too much time concerned with what’s wrong in our landscapes. Though, we can learn from…
FLORIDA -- Q. I would like to plant St. Augustinegrass seed, but I can’t find the seed at local garden…
FLORIDA -- To correctly apply granular fertilizers and other lawn chemicals, it is a must to know the square footage…
FLORIDA -- Do you have a low-growing weed that is producing tufts of white, fluffy, dandelion-like seeds, which float in…