FLORIDA — Question: My beautiful Bradford pear tree now has large limbs beginning to break away from the tree. Can…
FLORIDA — I remember going into a neighborhood to diagnose a lawn problem in Crestview during spring a number of…
OKALOOSA COUNTY, Fla. -- On Wednesday, March 18, the UF/IFAS Extension Master Gardener Volunteers in Okaloosa County will provide a…
FLORIDA -- You’ve probably seen crape myrtle trees pruned to look like a coat rack. Hopefully, you’re not guilty of…
FLORIDA -- If weeds were a major concern in your lawn last summer, the coming weeks are the time to…
FLORIDA — In addition to our native Southern magnolia, Magnolia grandiflora, there are several other magnolia species to consider for…
FLORIDA — People do many things to newly planted trees, such as improper pruning and fertilization, that interfere with tree…
FLORIDA — Recent freezes have resulted in many people questioning whether to prune or not to prune cold-damaged plants. The…
FLORIDA -- There are many birds that you can enjoy right in your own backyard and neighborhood. There are a…
FLORIDA -- In a December 2023 article, I asked for feedback from readers of this column. As a result, I…
FLORIDA -- There is a difference between mulching and amending the soil. Mulching involves placing a material such as pine…
FLORIDA — In the Christmas story, as recorded in the book of Matthew, wise men presented gifts to baby Jesus.…
FLORIDA -- With cooler temperatures, shorter days, and winter and Christmas on their way, you may not be putting much…
FLORIDA -- With a little planning, you can have a shrub or tree in flower every month of the year…
FLORIDA -- It is not too early to be thinking about the effect of cold weather on our landscapes. On…
Q. Will tulips grow and bloom in North Florida? A. Some of the northern bulbs are poor performers this far…
FLORIDA -- With today’s column, I’m asking you to provide feedback to me via email. I consider this column to…
FLORIDA -- Scary things are happening in our landscapes as we approach Halloween. The reality of what happens deep down…
FLORIDA — If your lawn has a history of winter annual weeds such as henbit, wild geranium, annual bluegrass, chickweed, and…
FLORIDA -- Recently, I spent some time with my uncle at his home in Perry, Florida. Perry and Taylor County…