Doolittle Institute

Air Force Test Center holds digital engineering summit in Niceville

NICEVILLE, Fla. -- The Air Force Test Center hosted the first digital engineering test and evaluation summit last month at the Doolittle…

3 years ago

Okaloosa schools host DoD Education Activity meeting in Niceville

NICEVILLE, Fla. – Okaloosa County School District (OCSD) last week hosted the 2022 U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA)…

3 years ago

Air Force hosts Hypersonics Pitch Day

The Air Force hosts the first-ever Hypersonics Pitch Day on Nov. 7, at the Doolittle Institute in Niceville.  The purpose of…

5 years ago

Godfather of modern street skating to speak in Niceville

Widely considered the most influential skateboarder in the world, Mullen invented the majority of the tricks done in the modern…

6 years ago

NHS, Doolittle Institute host Robotics Kick-off

The Doolittle Institute in cooperation with Niceville High School held the second annual Florida Panhandle Robotics Kick-off on Saturday, October…

10 years ago