Managing lawns and landscapes during dry weatherManaging lawns and landscapes during dry weather

Managing lawns and landscapes during dry weather

Even though our average rainfall in Northwest Florida is around 62 inches per year, we don’t always receive rain exactly…

5 years ago
Be cautious with lawn herbicides in hot weatherBe cautious with lawn herbicides in hot weather

Be cautious with lawn herbicides in hot weather

Hot temperatures and lawn weed killers (herbicides) are a bad combination. The combination of spraying a lawn with an herbicide…

5 years ago
Don’t cut corners when renovating lawnDon’t cut corners when renovating lawn

Don’t cut corners when renovating lawn

When redoing/renovating/replanting a lawn, it’s best to not cut corners - you'll usually pay for it in the long run.…

6 years ago
Watch for sod webworms in lawn during late summer & fallWatch for sod webworms in lawn during late summer & fall

Watch for sod webworms in lawn during late summer & fall

Q. I noticed small light brown moths flying low to the ground in my lawn. Should I be concerned about…

6 years ago
Be careful with high nitrogen lawn fertilizers in fallBe careful with high nitrogen lawn fertilizers in fall

Be careful with high nitrogen lawn fertilizers in fall

Warm-season grasses slow down their growth in response to temperature and day length. Research suggests that in Northwest Florida it…

6 years ago
How to grow dogwoods from seed and when to fertilize new lawnHow to grow dogwoods from seed and when to fertilize new lawn

How to grow dogwoods from seed and when to fertilize new lawn

Dogwood seeds have a dormancy requirement in order to germinate. Fall planting outdoors will sometimes meet their requirements. But the…

6 years ago
When and how to renovate your landscapeWhen and how to renovate your landscape

When and how to renovate your landscape

Dunning will help guide you in assessing your landscape needs, setting goals and finding design ideas to help renovate your…

6 years ago
Reestablish old, declining lawnReestablish old, declining lawn

Reestablish old, declining lawn

As a general rule, when there is less than sixty percent coverage of the desirable lawn grass left, reestablishment should…

6 years ago
August landscape tasks and plant clinicAugust landscape tasks and plant clinic

August landscape tasks and plant clinic

August is a good time to clean up roses for fall flower production. Disease-prone roses may need to be on…

6 years ago
Common summer tree concernsCommon summer tree concerns

Common summer tree concerns

Our warm, humid summer days allow insects, fungi, bacteria, and mold to thrive. We often see evidence of these organisms…

6 years ago