Fungus common in lawns during rainy periods

NICEVILLE, Fla -- Rainy weather and too much irrigation triggers fungal lawn diseases. One of the more common and devastating…

5 years ago

Lessons in landscaping provided by oleander caterpillars

NICEVILLE, Fla -- Oleander caterpillars, which are active on some oleanders during summer, can provide a number of gardening lessons.…

5 years ago

Avoiding tree damage during home construction

NICEVILLE, FLA -- Injury to trees during construction of a home is difficult or impossible to correct after the fact.…

5 years ago

Tricking dogwoods to grow from seed

Dogwood seeds have a dormancy requirement in order to germinate. Fall planting outdoors will sometimes meet their requirements. But the…

5 years ago

Annoying gnats abound in Northwest Florida this spring

NICEVILLE, Fla -- If you’ve been outside this spring, you’ve probably been bothered by gnats. These tiny flies relentlessly congregate…

5 years ago

Before adding lime to soil, don’t guess, soil test

Applying lime when lime is not needed may have disastrous results in your garden, landscape and lawn. Determining soil pH…

5 years ago

Odd growth and peeling bark on trees & other questions answered

It’s normal for old bark to flake off on crape myrtles during late spring and summer as the trunk and…

5 years ago

What causes holes and mounds in yard?

There are many things that can make holes and/or mounds in yards - everything from soil caving in due to…

5 years ago

Preventive tree maintenance before high winds strike

The 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season got off to an early start with some tropical storm activity before the season’s official…

5 years ago

Suggestions on spittlebug control in lawns

Spittlebugs have gotten off to an early start in local lawns this spring. There are usually two generations per year.…

5 years ago