Black bears more active now, seen roaming South Palm Blvd. area

NICEVILLE, Fla. – Some residents living in the area of South Palm Boulevard near Riley Road and at the end of 18th Street in Niceville report seeing a black bear roaming in the area this week.

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The bear was reportedly first seen Monday or Tuesday by at least two homeowners. A reader shared photos of the bear with today.

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), our state’s black bears are more active in the fall in search of food. You can help prevent negative interactions with bears and other wildlife by securing garbage, removing food attractants, and following other practices, the FWC said.

Niceville residents have reported seeing a black bear this week roaming the area of Palm Boulevard and Riley Road and near the end of 18th Street. (Contributed)

During the fall, bears start consuming more calories to pack on fat reserves for the winter, even if they are not hibernating as they do in colder climates, the FWC said. Any accessible food source, such as unsecured garbage, pet food, or bird seed, can be enticing to a hungry bear preparing for the winter, potentially drawing them into conflict with people.

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“Adult bears need to take in approximately 20,000 calories a day during the fall,” said the FWC’s Bear Management Program Coordinator, David Telesco.

“If given the opportunity, bears will take advantage of easy meals from things including unsecured trash cans and bird feeders. However, if bears don’t find a food source in a neighborhood, they’ll move on.”

According to the FWC, you can avoid attracting bears to your neighborhood and help prevent negative interactions with bears and other wildlife by following these six BearWise Basics:

1: Never feed or approach bears

  • Feeding bears can make them lose their natural fear of people.
  • It is illegal in Florida to intentionally feed bears or leave out food or garbage that will attract bears and cause conflicts.
  • Getting close to a wild animal is dangerous.

2: Secure food and garbage


3: Remove or secure bird feeders

  • Remove bird feeders where bears are present.
  • If bird feeders are left up, only put enough food out for birds to finish eating before dark.
  • Use other options to attract birds, not bears.

4: Never leave pet food outdoors

  • Feed pets indoors.
  • If feeding pets outdoors, only put food outside for short time periods and bring in leftover food and dishes after each feeding.

5: Clean and store grills

  • Clean and degrease grills and smokers after each use.
  • If mobile, store them in a secure shed or garage.

6: Alert neighbors to bear activity

  • If you see a bear, let your neighbors know.
  • Share tips on how to avoid conflicts with bears.
  • Encourage your homeowner’s association or local government to institute bylaws or ordinances to require trash to be kept secure.

While black bears generally are not aggressive, they can injure people and pets. Dogs can trigger defensive behaviors from bears; 60% of incidents where bears injured people in Florida involved dogs, the FWC said.

When walking dogs, keep them close to you – preferably on a non-retractable leash – and be aware of your surroundings. Before letting your dog out at night, flip lights on and off and bang on the door to give bears and other wildlife a chance to flee.

As bears increase their movements in search of food this time of year, they also increase the number of roads they cross, the FWC said.

For the safety of yourself and bears, remember to slow down when driving, particularly on rural highways at dawn or dusk. Watch for road signage identifying known bear crossing areas.

Having conflicts with bears? Call one of the FWC’s five regional offices. Go to, and click on “Contact Regional Offices” to find the phone number for your region. If you want to report someone who is either harming bears or intentionally feeding them, call the FWC’s Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922).

More information is available at, where you can access the “Guide to Living in Bear Country” brochure. Find additional ways to be BearWise at Help us help bears and other wildlife by purchasing the Conserve Wildlife tag at

Florida black bear. (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission)

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